In this modern high-tech life, we face changing lifestyles, decreasing fertility, higher incidence of cancer in young people, and increasing costs of treatment. Despite advanced scientific technology, we still cannot guarantee 100% success in the field of assisted reproductive technology. The current goal is to develop techniques capable of improving success rates, and reducing treatment costs while preserving the fertility of young people. Cryopreservation of gametes and embryos through FREEZING / VITRIFICATION is one of the innovations that is becoming increasingly important in infertility management.
In Victoria, we now routinely cryopreserve sperm, zygote stage embryos, cleavage stage embryos, and blastocyst stage embryos using this technique. With recent advances, it is also possible to successfully cryopreserve egg cells and testicular tissue. We are one of the clinics providing egg and embryo freezing services in India with excellent survival and implantation rates after thawing.
This is the newest and most effective freezing technique as it takes only a few minutes and results in higher survival and success rates after thawing.
Vitrification, derived from the Latin word vitrum (glass), is the process in which a solution containing gametes/embryos is cooled so rapidly that it instantly solidifies into a glass-like structure, Do not leave time for ice crystals to form.
In Victoria, we offer the following vitrification treatments:
Egg vitrification
Egg freezing through VITRIFICATION is a safety net available at Oasis, where her eggs are frozen and used at a later stage when she decides to get pregnant naturally using her own eggs’ genetic material. This procedure is not yet available in most centers in India.
Embryo cryopreservation
This is the most effective technique that gives couples the ability to start a family. In this technique, the woman’s eggs are fertilized with her husband’s sperm and then frozen so that the embryos can be used when the couple is ready to have children.
Ovarian transplantation
Ovarian transplantation is a technique in which a small piece of ovarian tissue is cryopreserved. The tissue is then thawed and reimplanted when pregnancy is desired. This is a new technique and has not been effective so far. However, with emerging technologies, this technique will yield great results in the future.
Sperm freezing
During sperm freezing, the sperm is collected and mixed with an equal amount of cryoprotectant (a chemical to protect sperm from damage caused by freezing) and preserved. preserved in liquid nitrogen.